(*) The PI that supports this application should be the same person as the PI of the research project (see below) associated with this proposal. If this proposal is not related to a R&D project funded by a competitive call but is part of a R&D program from a company/institution interested in subcontracting ELECMI, the PI should be the responsible person of the RDI department of the applicant company.
Information regarding funding sources of the applicant research project
Select the family or families of instrument/s requested in your proposal*
Indicate the time of use that you demand in this application (in hours for all instruments and
in days for the STM microscope)* (Max. 200 words)
Observations (Max. 200 words)
Scientific proposal for the work to be developed in ELECMI
If you have previously been granted to access ELECMI infrastructure, indicate the results (publications, patents, etc.) that have resulted from previous accesses to this ICTS (Max. 200 words)
Objectives and description of the proposal (Max. 200 words) *
Characteristics of the sample/s and number of samples (Max. 200 words) *
Indication of the need for the use of the advanced infrastructure (Max. 200 words) *
Potentiality of the proposal either in the academic or industrial fields (Max. 200 words) *
Indicate if the sample or the experiments involve any potential dangerous risk to be considered* (Max. 200 words)
The user, once the experiment is finished, is strongly encouraged to complete a survey available at the website. A kind reminder email will be sent to the user for completion of this survey. In addition, the user will inform about any scientific or technological result derived from the use of the ICTS, and also about any dissemination made of the mentioned results. The user will have to name the ICTS at any dissemination. The ICTS will keep an updated register of the beneficiary users of the competitive open access and an historic of all the R&D actions (publications, patents, and others) associated to the accesses to the ICTS. This information will include the corresponding activity reports and will be available under request.
I hereby certify that the details on this application form are correct and I undertake to mention the use of ICTS ELECMI in all dissemination performed of scientific or technological results obtained as a result of this access. Also, I will include the use of ICTS in all the dissemination made. In this sense, I will use the following sentence or similar "Authors acknowledge node XXX of ICTS “ELECMI”
The user expressly consents to the processing of personal data in accordance with ELECMI Data Protection Policy Basic information on the processing of personal data is provided on the ELECMI WEBSITE. The data processed will not be transferred to third parties, except in case of legal obligation. At any time users may exercise the rights to access, rectify and delete the data, as well as other rights set forth in the additional information